Remember my Name - Remember my Number!

Word numbers are highly memorable and are very effective in supporting your brand name

Can't remember the contact number for that finance company... "Yes I remember the ad, their number spells 1800 BORROW.... I will phone them now!" Whatever your ad campaign, adding a WORD NUMBER will add 4 or 5 times the calls into your company. It is the easiest phone number to remember in your industry.
(Extract from Australian Readers Digest 2003, Feb 05, page 63 Your Brain Explained) 'Humans are capable of remembering SEVEN distinct items in working memory. "Encoding” is the brain’s ability to put data into working memory. In order to memorise phone numbers, you have to sustain auditory focus long enough to hear the numbers as they are spoken. Then you have to store, or encode, those digits somewhere before they’re replaced by whatever it is you hear next. Unfortunately the human mind starts to overload the working memory if one goes beyond seven items.’ 1800 300 500 or 13 13 31 are good numbers but they are easily forgotten.
Clients will remember these unique numbers without having to rely on the 'encoding' memory.

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